Monday, January 24, 2011

Flame 2

Light + Matches. 
A box of matches was abandoned, Gerald brought it home, and so happen it was put under the light. 
The light said let me illuminate you, hopefully my heat could dry up the dampness in you, so you can shine as how you should be. 
The matches in the end burn themselves not because too much of the heat from the light, but the purpose they are created to. 

Like a pencil and an eraser. 
Pencil: I'm Sorry.
Eraser: For What? You Didn't Do Anything Wrong.
Pencil: I'm Sorry Cause You Get Hurt Because Of Me. 
Whenever I Made A Mistake, You're Always There To Erase It. 
But As You Make My Mistakes Vanish, 
You Lose A Part Of Yourself. 
You Get Smaller And Smaller Each Time.
Eraser: That's True. But I Don't Really Mind. 
You See, I Was Made To Do This. I Was Made To Help You 
Whenever You Do Something Wrong. 
Even Though One Day, I Know I'll Be Gone 
And You'll Replace Me With A New One, 
I'm Actually Happy With My Job. 
So Please, Stop Worrying. 
I Hate Seeing You Sad.

Sounds touching. Shed tears when first heard this. 
Everything was created for one purpose, eraser was made to cover the pencil's ass; but the matches is made to start up a flame, not to be heat up by the light. 
Matches are flammable, easily burn up...
You might have forgotten this since you started to use lighter. 

-The End- 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

