Thursday, October 30, 2008

horrowwood star--superstar

everybody talks about, hey yo~hey yo hey yo~................
.............but you must be some kinda of superstar..........

she was approaching, NO...she was jumping yet walking-which is her very exclusive style-towards my group!i was like stunt a while, within 0.0001 second, i looked at the screen, search............
fulamak!!!! same group!!!!!!!G-O-S-H----

"what the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!", unconsciously, i burst out this phrase-sorry, i was always "polite" and know what should tell when should speak and how to talk, but at that moment, just cann't control the inner me to shout! after the phrase, some of the people down there looked up, but i didnt realize, because i've already hugging my nie-nie who is beside me...

she is kinda FAMOUS!!! superstar le, who dares to be together with her?especially when the one require efficiency, and effectively. you know how many times i prayed not to same group with her? then now you know, pray doesn't work, dun make prayer and yet superstitious when u're facing problem next time, doesn't help!!!

fine.........i wont be the leader at this round, at least less a problem form my side...

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