Friday, December 11, 2009

Scandal - behave like a real man.

So, what comes to your mind of "SCANDAL"?
Edison? maybe, it is a pronoun of it, but would your interest focused on how thick how long is he when you scrolling down the obscenity pictures?

"she is flat"
"omfg! she is bitch!"
"OMG! I can never accept she would take this kind of pictures"
"Fucker! how great he could have F***ed so many girls"
"$&&%^, not too satisfying, those bitches give priority to his face before have a glimpse of his cock"
" he is jerk, how could he do this to them; they are stupid! why do they let him take all this kinda pictures...?"

See, above are summaries of what I heard in the discussion of the scandal. None of it, stand on the girls' side, the most mercy one was rebuked the guy first, then turned the bazooka to the girls... Pity to those victims. 
Female, took whatever blames as if they deserved it; yes, they were blinded at the moment, indeed, they were stupid when they allowed him to take such pictures, however who should be blamed? The one who nodded to take or the one who took the initiative of preparing equipments, put the camera for the sake of right angle to amplify the most private part of those 'stupid' girls? Worse, camera focus on the girls' face and action when he was enjoying the service of heat, moistures and massage on his god damn cock! 

Female are always the one to be blamed in the cases, could anyone put themselves on the naked girls' shoes? 

I just watched back an interview of Gillian Chung, whom condemned by public after the scandal. 
she said :' I'm silly, I'm naive" a statement that filled with guilty, self-condemn, regret, will to bear consequences before Edison- whom should face public before the victims- took action, was not accepted by public. 
Everyone was saying she was fake.  Why couldn't we showed support with silence? stop releasing arrows on her.  Too late to shout this out, after almost 2 years of the scandal. 

Personally, I'm really impressed with her courage of standing out to face the strike. A normal girl, if same thing happened on her, i think most probably she might wants to end her life before the call; from one perspective, Gill is a normal girl, from another perspective, she is a public person. A normal girl can walk on the street, still, without too many people knowing her, Gill? I think she rather stayed in room even her nature calls rang, when she was in a public function. 
As a female, i just have sympathize her. 

What's most ridiculous was: "i can't believe she would had sex" 
come on!  she was 23++ when she took pictures, 23++ years old adult shouldn't have sex, whose privilege to have one? 

Back to the topic, I've some friends took pictures like this, 9 out of 10 was half forced, one third of the 9 was took without their consent! who should be blamed then? 
"Girls should protect themselves......know a guy in depth before go with them...." bla bla bla...
What era now? technological advanced age, illness of society take it of leave it la. Even decades ago, female at that age not even know how their husband looked like before had sex! 

Guys like him, control your precious before take action. Cock doesn't think but brain does, don't let the joystick take over your brain. If it does, behave like a real man; not a man by name. 


just me said...

yeah~~ bahave like a real man!!
face the consequences instead of running away and hiding in d sands like a damn old orstrich!!
a man-
will fight like a man;
will FUCK like a man;
and hide like a duck?
"miao" from his throat?? -.-

well, FACE like a man~~

miapatra said...

"miao" from his throat? haha.....

just me said...

"miao" as in a weak tone...
imagine a LION that doesnt Rooarrrrsss, but "MIAO~~~~"

jz to describe tat in d outlook, yeah - a MAN;
but wen problems occured,
just a "miao"~~~

miapatra said...

just me, nice to meet you. i can't recognize you from your writing style, but i do have a feel of read it somewhere(i mean your style)
welcome, and do visit more! XDXD

just me said...

nice to meet you too~~
ur scandal post, any intention to reflect on somebody, apart from our famous mr CHEN?

miapatra said...

would you mind to leave a name so that i can particular address you?^^
actually i got the inspiration to write the 'scandal' post after watched the interview program of Gillian, erm....of cause i linked to some of my friends when i was writing, nonetheless, Mr Chen's face crossed through my mind in the writing process.

what makes you ask such question? or any friends of you did that too....?

just me said...

ic, but i tink cant put the blame on mr Chen, as both are adults. both have the responsibility for wat they had done. furthermore, it is on self-willing basis. both are not wrong in the sense of having sex, just particularly they are CELEBRITY, so they muz jaga sikit la.. personally i quite like mr Chen.. lolz~

nah, such question just come across my mind. my friends? they are mature enough to deal with the consequences.. ^^

miapatra said...

Chen was my idol, but not because of the scandal he was kicked out of my list, he is not my idol because i don't have one now.

erm, back to the matter of who should be blamed, honestly, none. You pinpointed the main cause, they are celebrities and this made the scandal more prominent...
particularly, I disagree with Chen that he never stand out before others girls did, and he never apologize to victims ( according to Gill, if what she said as truth), then i sympathize Gill when I was imagining if i were her.

no offend as blog is always an alternative way of expressing platform^^

just me said...

yeah, u're rite, blogging is alternative way to express oneself.
keep it up gal

just me said...

came across to ur blog again, haha..
just wondering why u dont know me but stil can talk so much with me?
u're a student or has step into the world of cruelty? employed yet?

miapatra said...

Hi, just you again =p
At first i thought you are my friend, but you never admit or deny~ *shrug*
Er, i think though the conversation we were mainly discussed our perspectives on the scandal matter, aren't we? Just like a forum XD
since you asked...I'm a fresh grad, got a job but will be only starting to work by next month.
for the first question, do you think I've stepped into the cruel world yet?

just me said...

partially of YOU has stepped in, u've been working since ur schooling time too, aren't u?
well, as i see, u will be mentally compared with others. but i can see that it will be quite a tough job. gambateh!

just me said...

recently busy dating or working now?
dint reply my comment anymore, haha.
happy new year!
happy always, cheers

Mia said...

hey! started working ald. don;t you feel chating comment box of a blog post is kinda weird thing? haha. add me in facebook, or we chat at the chatting box in my page. Mia
s sky, patra's land. =p